Posts Tagged dessert

Coconut Bliss…

Hi anyone and everyone!

These are tough times we are living in.  The confusing and complicated battle for the presidency is in full-swing, the Dow has dropped another several hundred points today, and I just found out that the financial backer for my dream business is pulling the plug due to this precarious economic state.  In short, life is hard right now…not just for me, but for most everyone i know.  It makes you question if there is a God, where is He, and does He care?!?!?!?!

So as these questions and worries were circling my brain, i stumbled upon Coconut Bliss non-dairy “ice cream” while on my daily trip to Lazy Acre’s (SB’s high-end supermarket).  As you will learn if you continue to read this blog, my life’s passion is finding and concocting things that are ridiculously delicious AND gluten, dairy, soy, and mostly sugar-free.  I cannot think of a product that fits the bill better than Coconut Bliss Non-dairy dessert.

Upon finishing 2 pints in less than an hour (Mint & Dark Chocolate) i was pretty much convinced that the makers lied about the ingredients.  How could it be true that this creamy and silky frozen dessert with rich and complex flavors was not laden with cream, milk, and sugar?  Surely this was impossible!  I decided to wait and see.  If I became sick to my stomach or had a rapid sugar high followed by the intense crash, i would know this was all a sham.  I waited, and waited, and…nothing!  I felt great!  And I was satisfied (unlike when I have sampled other rice-based non-dairy desserts and finished longing for a pint of Haagen Dazs).  All of the worries and fears of the economic crisis had melted away, if even just for that moment.  There must be a God after all!!!

What i typically look for when inspecting the back label of a package is pretty straightforward: are there less than a handful or two of ingredients? can i spell and pronounce them? Check and check.  For the Dark Chocolate variety: Coconut milk, agave nectar (a low-glycemic sweetener), vanilla, cocoa powder).  How could these 4 ingredients come together in such perfect harmony?? Simply amazing.

Here are the flavors: Dark Chocolate, Chocolate Hazelnut Fudge, Cappucino, Cherry Amaretto, Vanilla, Coconut, Strawberry Lemon and Mint.

I am a little scared that at $5.99 a pint, they may not be able to make it…I will pray every day for the rest of my life that they never go out of business.  That would be a travesty.  This has happened to me before: just as soon as i get totally hooked, it is gone!  Tell you friends to tell your friends!  We simply cannot let this happen.  This stuff has changed my life forever!

Visit their website for more details and info about where to buy.

A note on coconut milk: There is some debate about the health value of coconut milk and oil.  I am a firm believer in the benefits of coconut-based products and have been using them for the last several years as a hair conditioner and lotion, in high-heat frying, as a supplement to my smoothies, and in Thai and Indian cooking (obviously).  I love it, love it, love it and am so excited to find it as the base for ice cream (could one now LOSE WEIGHT from eating this stuff!?!?! that may just be too good to be true)

Here is some info I dug up that reveals coconut milk as super-healthy and non-fattening.  And looks like they are also making yogurt from coconut milk!  Yay!!

And while we’re at it, read more about awesome agave nectar.

So the moral of today’s story is RUN TO THE SUPERMARKET AND BUY THIS STUFF!  You wont be sorry!

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